Meet one of the original creators!

bio creator instructors Apr 06, 2022

Kristi began her Group Ex journey when she was five years old and her mom enrolled her in a ballet class. Noticing Kristi couldn’t stay calm or quiet long enough for ballet, her mother quickly moved her to jazz, modern and hip-hop. Kristi loved playing sports and dancing all growing up, and soon realized if music was on, she had to be dancing. 


Fast forward to high school and college, she had the opportunity to play basketball and run track for eight years. These experiences helped her develop a deep passion for fitness and exercise which continues on today.
Kristi is certified in eight different exercise formats including Senior Silver Stamina classes, Zumba, Yoga and Group Power. Beginning in 2003 she was trained and certified to teach group exercise classes at a small gym in Monmouth, OR and from there she never looked back.  She absolutely loves being outdoors, anything in the mountains, beaches, forrest and desert, and preferably warm weather since she hates being cold!
She currently teaches a gospel doctrine course for her church to high schoolers during the week and loves spending time with teenagers because she says they’re hilarious and they keep her young. 
In her spare time, she loves spending countless hours with her three crazy boys who never let her rest, her amazing husband of 19-years, and her huge Labradoodle named Campbell, who is the biggest dog baby in the entire world. Between all of them she says her heart is full and she is blessed beyond measure. 
Right now, at any given point, Kristi can rap every word to Gangster's Paradise, eat an entire carton of chocolate ice cream by herself, dance alone in her car or on the street, and is planning ways to take her family to Disneyland again. Some of her greatest memories with CLUBDANCE are not only the classes and members, but the unforgettable joy of laughing so hard she cries with her fellow instructors.  CLUBDANCE truly is, the best class ever!

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