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Meet the Format Leader!

bio creator instructors og Jul 27, 2022

Erin was first introduced to CLUBDANCE as a participant when it launched in March of 2012 and quickly fell in love! She joined CLUBDANCE as an instructor in Jan 2013 and has loved growing the format over the last several years! She’s earned several other group fitness instructor format certifications (7 total!) including CORE, RIDE, Yoga, and HIGH Fitness but her favorite remains CLUBDANCE.

She says she’s “mostly from Oregon” but has lived in California and also Arizona for a few years and loved it because she finally felt warm!

She said, “Growing up I was into sports and played year-round until I graduated. I didn’t really know I could dance until I started going to CLUBDANCE!”

Erin is also a wife and Mom of 3 (2 teenage boys and 1 pre-teen girl) whom she says help her stay plenty busy and active. She loves movies, books, puzzles, music and going to concerts with her husband. Their favorite things to do as a family include riding ATVs and...

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Meet an OG!

bio creator instructors og Apr 27, 2022

Amber Haider (aka H8R) is one of our trainers and a CLUBDANCE Coach. Amber has been teaching fitness since 2012. CLUBDANCE was the first format she ever taught when she was the very first instructor added after the original founders. She fell in love with teaching fitness and went on to certify in 8 more formats! CLUBDANCE is the only one she continued to teach throughout all the years because it is her favorite and as she says, “It gives me life!”

As a mom of four, CLUBDANCE provides the outlet she needs to be active, take care of herself, build a community, have fun, and have something of her own. 

Besides being a fitness instructor, Amber is a certified Life Coach (and a dang good one too!) and helps other moms find their groove again after having kids. She picked up competitive ballroom dancing in 2019 and loves visiting new cities as she goes to competitions all over the United States.

When asked to pick a favorite CLUBDANCE track, she...

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Meet one of the original creators!

bio creator instructors Apr 06, 2022

Kristi began her Group Ex journey when she was five years old and her mom enrolled her in a ballet class. Noticing Kristi couldn’t stay calm or quiet long enough for ballet, her mother quickly moved her to jazz, modern and hip-hop. Kristi loved playing sports and dancing all growing up, and soon realized if music was on, she had to be dancing. 


Fast forward to high school and college, she had the opportunity to play basketball and run track for eight years. These experiences helped her develop a deep passion for fitness and exercise which continues on today.
Kristi is certified in eight different exercise formats including Senior Silver Stamina classes, Zumba, Yoga and Group Power. Beginning in 2003 she was trained and certified to teach group exercise classes at a small gym in Monmouth, OR and from there she never looked back.  She absolutely loves being outdoors, anything in the mountains, beaches, forrest and desert, and preferably warm weather since...
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